Augmented and Virtual Reality - Advansoft
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Augmented and Virtual Reality


Augmented and Virtual Reality

With the support from Virtualware Group from Spain, Advansoft is offering the Augmented and Virtual reality software solution, particularly for industrial application, such as asset location and maintenance, and immersive experience for industrial training.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality overlays digital content on to the real world view, including videos, photos, 3D models and audio which can add a greater impact to interactive projects. The possibilities that this technology offers are limitless and Virtualware has great expertise and experience in developing AR solutions for Web, Mobile, Tablets and other interactive formats.

Mobile App for Outdoor Utilities

AR Automotive Training App

Mobile App for Locating Asset and Maintenance

Virtual Reality

We develop 3D animations and highly realistic Virtual Reconstructions to create interactive experiences that convert users into active participants. These simulated 3D environments can be used to rebuild situations and historical scenes which normally wouldn’t be accessible to the public.

Immersive Room Approach

Virtual Reality for immersive learning in workplace hazard prevention

Industry 4.0 training system for part inspection

Security Control Centre